Kaikane (Ky-Kah-Nay)
Experienced professionals providing outstanding services that provide significant benefits in today’s fluid business environment.
» Our Service Offerings

Kaikane was founded 12 years ago by Aaron Weissberger.  The Founder and Staff of Kaikane have over 75 years of consulting and industry experience and we have been in your seat - we understand the pressure to deliver more with less. 

Kaikane brings a well rounded understanding to project and long-term needs for you and your organization.
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» About Our Company

For over 25 Years the Leadership of Kaikane have been servicing clients around the world. Projects have included all types of strategy, technology and operational challenges. Solutions have been developed to meet the unique needs of our clients ensuring that Kaikane never delivers a 'One Size Fits All' solution.  We meet ever changing needs of your organization.

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» Services Spotlight

Offshore or Cloud?  Maybe both are critical to your organization.  Investing in new trends can require analysis and thought processes that take time.  Kaikane has helped organizations do both, efficiently and effectively.  Don't be paralyzed by over analysis.

Harness the power, flexibility and potential cost savings of offshoring and of the Cloud today.

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